Who is Dalton Schultz's wife, Laurel Heinrich? Texans TE married his college sweetheart

Dalton Schultz, who recently agreed to a one-year deal with the Houston Texans, is married to his college sweetheart Laurel Heinrich. The couple had a slightly unconventional love story, with the couple eloping and tying the knot in a secret ceremony. In an Instagram post, Schultz confirmed that although their marriage didn't take place the

Dalton Schultz, who recently agreed to a one-year deal with the Houston Texans, is married to his college sweetheart Laurel Heinrich.

The couple had a slightly unconventional love story, with the couple eloping and tying the knot in a secret ceremony. In an Instagram post, Schultz confirmed that although their marriage didn't take place the way they wanted it to, he is still happy.

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A San Francisco State University graduate, Laurel studied Political Science and Government. Starting out as an office assistant, she's also worked as a Hostess (Midgley's Public House) and Hostess server (SABROSA). She also worked as a cashier with Goat Hill Pizza in 2015.

Image Credit: Dalton Schultz's IG (@binghamballer9)

As per her last LinkedIn update, Dalton Schultz's wife last worked as a nanny with Trusted Child Care from 2017 to 2018.

Laurel has almost 4,000 followers on Instagram.

The couple has two children: Theodore James Schultz (29 July, 2018) and Savannah Chase Schultz (27 February, 2021).

Dalton Schultz free agency: TE agrees to a one-year deal with the Texans

According to reports, the Texans and Schultz agreed to a one-year, $9 million deal. A 2018 draft fourth-round pick, Schultz played five seasons with the Cowboys. Last season, he had 57 receptions for 577 yards and five TDs in 15 starts.

Throughout his career, he has recorded 211 receptions, 2,122 yards, and 17 TDs in 75 games. Out of these, he started in 56.

Trouble came during the last two games of the season, with Schultz suffering a knee injury. After being injury-free for his initial years, his knee injury affected him for a few weeks.

Image Credit: Dalton Schultz's IG (@binghamballer9)

In his new journey with the Texans, one can expect the 26-year-old to bring more stability to the team.

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