In 2006, Justin Timberlake released the hit song "What Goes Around...Comes Around," which was rumored to be based on his past relationships. While it was widely believed that the song was inspired by his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears, there were also reports that it was about Elisha Cuthbert, a Canadian actress who was then engaged to NHL player Sean Avery.
The rumors were fueled by reports that Cuthbert had cheated on Avery with Timberlake. Neither Timberlake nor Cuthbert confirmed the rumors, and there were no public statements or admissions made about the nature of their relationship.
Despite the controversy, "What Goes Around...Comes Around" became a major hit for Timberlake, reaching the top 10 on music charts around the world. The song was nominated for several awards, including a Grammy for Best Dance Recording, and the music video for the song, which featured Scarlett Johansson as Timberlake's love interest, was directed by Samuel Bayer.
The video, which was set in a dramatic and visually stunning mansion, depicted a complex and tumultuous love triangle between Timberlake and Johansson and another woman played by Cuthbert. The video was widely interpreted as a reflection of rumors about Timberlake and Cuthbert's alleged affair, and it further fueled speculation about their relationship.
In the years that followed, both Timberlake and Cuthbert continue to have successful careers in their respective fields. Timberlake has released several more hit albums and has also established himself as a successful actor, with roles in movies such as "The Social Network" and "Trolls."
Cuthbert has also continued to act in films and television shows, including "Happy Endings" and "The Ranch." Despite their continued success, rumors about their past relationship and the inspiration behind "What Goes Around...Comes Around" have remained a topic of speculation and interest among fans and the media.
Elisha Cuthbert's husband, Dion Phaneuf, and their relationship history
Elisha Cuthbert is married to former NHL player Dion Phaneuf. The couple first began dating in 2008, and they announced their engagement in September 2012. They tied the knot on July 6, 2013, in a private ceremony held on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Phaneuf, who hails from Canada, played for the Calgary Flames, Toronto Maple Leafs, Ottawa Senators, and Los Angeles Kings during his NHL career. He retired from professional hockey in 2020.
Prior to her marriage to Phaneuf, Cuthbert was linked to several high-profile celebrities. In addition to the rumors about her alleged affair with Justin Timberlake, she was also reportedly involved with NHL player Sean Avery, who was engaged to Cuthbert before they split amid the rumors about her relationship with Timberlake.
Elisha Cuthbert and Phaneuf have been relatively private about their relationship, but have been known to share glimpses of their lives together on social media. In 2017, Cuthbert posted a photo on Instagram to mark the couple's fourth wedding anniversary, calling Phaneuf her "best friend and partner in crime."
Despite the occasional rumors and speculation about their relationship, Elisha Cuthbert and Phaneuf have remained together for more than a decade, and they appear to be going strong.
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