What is Frankie Jonas' net worth? Youngest Jonas brother to turn host for the first time with Claim

ABC's new show, Claim To Fame, is being hosted by Kevin Jonas and the 'bonus Jonas' Frankie Jonas. The show aired it's first episode on July 11. Taking after the other Jonas Brothers, Frankie Jonas is famous on TikTok and for his brief appearances on several TV shows.

ABC's new show, Claim To Fame, is being hosted by Kevin Jonas and the 'bonus Jonas' Frankie Jonas. The show aired it's first episode on July 11.

Taking after the other Jonas Brothers, Frankie Jonas is famous on TikTok and for his brief appearances on several TV shows.

His work as an individual has garnered him a net worth of $20 million. Moreover, now for the first time, the youngest Jonas is set to host the upcoming show, Claim To Fame, which premiered on July 11.

The official synopsis of the show reads:

Celebrity relatives step outside their famous family member's shadow and live together under one roof, concealing their identity and lineage in the quest for their own fame and fortune.

Claim To Fame's host Frankie Jonas is a musician and former child actor

Franklin Nathaniel Jonas, aka Frankie Jonas, started experimenting with his talents at a very young age. He was nine years old when he lent his voice to the character, Sōsuke in Hayao Miyazaki's animated film Ponyo. Moreover, he also sang the movie's theme song titled Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea.

The youngest Jonas also appeared as a recurring character on Disney Channel Original Series, Jonas. His appearance on the show also won him the Choice Breakout TV Star Male award at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards.

Apart from doing brief roles in tv shows, Frankie landed his first on-screen movie role in Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam as Junior Rocker Trevor. He got to play the role alongside his three elder brothers, Jonas Brothers.

Furthermore, it is not the first time the eldest and youngest Jonas brothers share the screen in Claim To Fame. In 2012, the duo appeared on Married To Jonas, which featured Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle's married life, including the comeback of the Jonas Brothers in late 2013.

Frankie's career in music was revitalized through his debut track Shanghai Noon on SoundCloud in June 2017. In fact, in less than a year, he released his second composition, Appa, on the same platform. Frankie also wore the music producer's hat for Alli Haber's song Too Young in 2019.

However, Frankie Jonas has a massive TikTok following of 1.9 million for posting his singing videos.

What is Claim To Fame all about?

Claim To Fame is a platform for people who have been overshadowed by celebrity relatives. It will allow them to showcase their talent without revealing their celebrity lineage.

The show will feature 12 celebrity relatives who have the challenge of hiding their identity by lying to their competitors. The winner stands a chance to win $100,000 if they successfully hide their celebrity identity.

The official summary of the premiere episode reads:

Hosts Kevin and Frankie Jonas introduce the 12 celebrity relatives who will be living under one roof and concealing their identity and lineage in the quest for the coveted $100,000 prize. Contestants are tasked with competing in a talent show for their first challenge, with one contestant ultimately facing elimination.

Viewers can watch the show's all new episode on July 18 on ABC.

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