Outspoken vegan Tash Peterson has dished about her topless struggles on her Facebook page.
Well-known for her eyebrow-raising public stunts, Peterson shared two videos this week, one showing her dressed as a mermaid on the beach and the other featuring her grabbing some food at Grill’d.
In the first video Peterson, who has a small amount of breast tape over her nipples, made an appearance at Bathers Beach House in Fremantle, Western Australia, and held up a sign that read: “Fishing murders trillions of fish, dolphins, whales, seals and other marine life”.
In the footage, police are seen approaching her while explaining they had received a complaint from a member of the public about her attire.
A male police offer asked if she could put on a bathing suit.
“(Could) you follow suit with your colleague there and pop on a bathing suit?” the police officer queried.
“I understand the argument you’re dressed like a mermaid. Some parents with young children might say that’s a little bit over the top. Would you agree with that sentiment?”
To which Peterson said: “No definitely not. Even if I was fully topless I don’t see what the issue is in 2022, but in saying that most of my breast is covered.”
She said she did not have a bikini top with her that she could put on, and the police left.
Sharing the video on her Facebook page, the 28-year-old also talked of her frustration at her numerous topless run-ins with law enforcement.
“Up until this point, I have been issued with move on orders and criminal convictions for being a female when I chose not to wear a shirt in public,” she said.
“Apparently, female breasts and nipples are offensive and inappropriate around children. Ironically, their exact purpose is to breastfeed babies. So at what age does it become ‘inappropriate’ for a child to see?
“In 2022, it’s astounding that females are discriminated against for their clothing choices. I could read that this police officer did not want to be lecturing or ordering me on what I should be wearing, but he had acted upon a complaint received about the fact that I had no top on.
“Free the nipple for females of all species! I will never stop using my bodily freedom to speak up for those whose bodies are oppressed.”
And in the second video, posted on Monday, Peterson filmed herself alongside friends eating at Grill’d, where she proceeded to discuss all the vegan-friendly options available to diners.
“Enjoying cruelty free food without abusing animals by eating their bodies and secretions,” she declared.
“Eat life, not death!”
Earlier this month she took to a crowded Nike store to film footage for her Instagram account.
Peterson had been slapped with a $3500 fine over two recent shirtless protests, including one at a luxury Perth boutique smeared in what she claimed was her own blood.
In another video posted on her Instagram page after a court appearance last month, she talked of her fury at being told to cover up.
“After an entire day in court on trial for being charged ‘disorderly conduct’, for doing a topless protest against the dairy industry, (hearing male police officers speak about my ’exposed breasts’ and how offensive it is in the courtroom) I decided to take my top off as I left the court …
“Only to be spoken to by more male police officers telling me to put a shirt on for ’indecent exposure’. I wore the nipple covers because I thought they would symbolise ‘hands off the nipples of dairy cows’ … But I also wore them out of convenience from trying to figure out how to edit a video with my nipples showing – because God forbid a female nipple is shown on social media or anywhere for that matter!
”I ripped the tape off my nipples because I was so sick of being told what parts of my body are ‘inappropriate’ and ‘has to be covered’.”
She continued to say that she believes the officer pretended to care about topless male activists, but added that men can be topless in many public places with no issues.
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Peterson said they were all given a “move on notice”.
Last year, she made headlines for comparing Christmas lunch to the Holocaust, while screaming at shoppers buying meats.
She posted her antics to her Instagram account with a caption that read: “Your Christmas Lunch = Their Holocaust.”