Triple H Supports George Kittles Wishes for The Rocks Special Guest Referee Role at WrestleMan

Triple H is the Head of Creative at WWE and oversees everything that goes on in the company when it comes to booking, especially Cody Rhodes and The Rocks current storylines. George Kittle recently wished for The Rock to be a special guest referee at WrestleMania 40 and now Triple H has given support to

Triple H is the Head of Creative at WWE and oversees everything that goes on in the company when it comes to booking, especially Cody Rhodes and The Rock’s current storylines. George Kittle recently wished for The Rock to be a special guest referee at WrestleMania 40 and now Triple H has given support to Kittle’s wishes.

The Rock’s role as a part of TKO’s Board of Directors also grants him influence over his choices. This came into play for SmackDown last week, as Cody Rhodes stepped aside to give his WrestleMania 40 spot to The Rock.

At the Super Bowl opening night, George Kittle expressed support for The Rock being the special guest referee in Cody Rhodes’ match against Roman Reigns at the Showcase of The Immortals.

Interestingly enough, Triple H took to Twitter and commented on what George Kittle had to say, seemingly making it clear that he approves of George Kittle’s wishes for some reason.

”The People’s Tight End knows what’s up…@gkittle46”

WWE is also closely monitoring fan reactions to The Rock’s WrestleMania 40 plans. WWE is still promoting The Rock despite fan backlash. It is more or less confirmed The Rock vs Roman Reigns will take place at WrestleMania 40, so fans simply have to accept that now.

What do you think of what Triple H had to say? Do you feel he is simply toying with fans? Let us know in the comments section below!

