Rhea Ripley shares a photo with her sister, sends heartfelt message

Rhea Ripley, the real-life Demi Bennett, took to social media to share a photo with her sister, Calista Bennett. Ripley is the reigning Women's World Champion and member of The Judgment Day. In recent weeks, she has teased feuds against Raquel Rodriguez and Becky Lynch.

Rhea Ripley, the real-life Demi Bennett, took to social media to share a photo with her sister, Calista Bennett.

Ripley is the reigning Women's World Champion and member of The Judgment Day. In recent weeks, she has teased feuds against Raquel Rodriguez and Becky Lynch.

Taking to Instagram, Ripley shared a selfie with her sister. She also sent a heartfelt message dedicated to her:

"Life is unpredictable and time goes too quickly. It’s been hard growing up away from this muppet… Watching the highs and the lows from a far will always be a struggle. Please show my sis a bit of love in the comments, she needs a little support" wrote Ripley

Check out Ripley's photo with her sister:

Natalya recently labeled Rhea Ripley as a "generational talent"

Natalya recently praised Rhea Ripley and called her a "generational talent." Ripley started 2023 by winning the Women's Royal Rumble and beat Charlotte Flair for the SmackDown Women's Title at WrestleMania 39.

During a recent interview with Bill Apter on Sportskeeda Wrestling, the veteran WWE star praised her on-screen rival. At Night of Champions, Natalya failed to dethrone The Eradicator for the SmackDown Women's Title. She said:

"It's funny because I lost so much sleep over that match. And honestly, it had a profound impact on me because when I was first told I was gonna be at Night of Champions facing off against Rhea Ripley, it was like a dream match because Rhea Ripley is like a generational talent."

Ripley is set to face Natalya in a rematch. The Eradicator isn't scheduled for a title defense at Money in the Bank but is expected to corner Dominik Mysterio for his match against Cody Rhodes in London.

However, she is currently in preparation to once again get past Nattie, whom she convincingly defeated in Saudi Arabia.

Have you enjoyed Ripley's title reign since she won at WrestleMania 39? Sound off in the comments

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