Release date and time, what to expect, and more

Oshi No Ko chapter 116 is set to be released on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 12 am JST. While Oshi No Ko is a weekly manga series, it will be on break this week. Fans can read the manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app.

Oshi No Ko chapter 116 is set to be released on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 12 am JST. While Oshi No Ko is a weekly manga series, it will be on break this week. Fans can read the manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app.

The previous chapter saw Ruby Hoshino take part in an interpersonal audition conducted by Frill Shiranui for the lead role in the upcoming movie by Gotanda. While Akane was willing to take part in the audition, she was confident that Frill wanted Ruby to take on the role as she believed that the film was about Hoshino Ai.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Oshi No Ko manga.

Ruby might learn about Frill's intentions in Oshi No Ko chapter 116

Release date and time, where to read

Ruby Hoshino as seen in Oshi No Ko Chapter 115 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 116 will be released on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, for most fans worldwide. For people in Japan, the chapter will be released on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 12 am JST. Subsequently, the release date and time will vary across different time zones.

The upcoming Oshi No Ko chapter 116 will be released internationally at the following times:

  • Pacific Standard Time: 7 am, Tuesday, April 25
  • Central Standard Time: 9 am, Tuesday, April 25
  • Eastern Standard Time: 10 am, Tuesday, April 25
  • British Standard Time: 3 pm, Tuesday, April 25
  • Central European Time: 4 pm, Tuesday, April 25
  • Indian Standard Time: 8:30 pm, Tuesday, April 25
  • Philippine Standard Time: 11 pm, Tuesday, April 25
  • Australian Central Standard Time: 12:30 am, Wednesday, April 26
Frill Shiranui as seen in Oshi No Ko Chapter 115 (Image via Shueisha)

Fans can read Oshi No Ko chapter 116 on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app, which allows fans to read all the chapters of the manga series. However, a word of caution for readers is that they can view a specific chapter only once.

What to expect from Oshi No Ko chapter 116?

Ruby Hoshino as seen in Oshi No Ko Chapter 115 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 116 will most likely see Ruby Hoshino learn the truth behind Frill Shiranui's intention to hold an interpersonal audition. She had no idea that the film was about her mother's life, thus learning about it could leave her emotions running wild.

Upon seeing Ruby's audition, Akane immediately realized that Frill was trying to ensure that Ruby gets the role by eliminating herself and Akane by conducting the audition. If Frill and Akane were to back away from the role, Ruby would immediately get the position, which is what Frill might be aiming for.

Recap of Oshi No Ko chapter 115

Akane Kurokawa as seen in Oshi No Ko Chapter 115 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 115, titled ROLES, opened with Ruby Hoshino thinking long and hard about the theme of the audition "Lies." She thought back to how she had always been lying, even in her previous life as Sarina Tendouji. She then went on to put on an impressive performance as she improvised a scene through real-life events she had gone through.

Upon seeing the audition, Akane Kurokawa was confident about having realized Frill Shiranui's intentions. She deduced that Gotanda's film was about Hoshino Ai, Ruby's mother, which is why Frill wanted to eliminate herself and Akane to give the role to Ruby.

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