Verdict is an upcoming Claymore weapon in Genshin Impact. It can be regarded as Navia's signature gear piece, as its design perfectly matches her attire in the game. Additionally, this weapon's Refinement passive suits her kit extremely well, making it the best fit.
This article lists everything about Verdict, including its passive stats, perks, and materials required to fully ascend it.
Disclaimer: This article is based on information from datamined websites such as Honey Hunter World and Project Amber. Certain numbers and perks may change with the final release.
All materials required to ascend Verdict in Genshin Impact
Like all weapons, the Verdict can be ascended to level 90 with the help of Mora, material drops from enemies, and weapon ascension materials. Here is a list of everything required for max ascension:
- 1131K Mora
- 1 Enhancement Ore
- 2 Fine Enhancement Ores
- 906 Mystic Enhancement Ores
- 15 Meshing Gear
- 23 Mechanical Spur Gear
- 27 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- 23 Rift Core
- 27 Foreign Synapse
- 41 Alien Life Core
- 5 Fragment of an Ancient Chord
- 14 Chapter of an Ancient Chord
- 14 Movement of an Ancient Chord
- 6 Echo of an Ancient Chord
Here's a list of all the farmable sources for the materials mentioned above:
- Mechanical Gear: Dropped by level 40+ and 60+ Clockwork Meka. Except for Artifice, all other parts can be purchased from the Stardust Exchange shop.
- Rift Core: Dropped by level 40+ and 60+ Breacher Primuses. Except for Alien Life Core, all other parts can be purchased from the Stardust Exchange Shop.
- Ancient Chord ascension material: Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. Farmable from the Echoes of the Deep Tides domain.
Players are free to pre-farm for the weapon from today, as everything is available in the current version of Genshin Impact.
Verdict passive and stats in Genshin Impact
This 5-star Claymore is expected to appear in the limited weapons banner of v4.3. As mentioned, Navia can make the best use of this weapon alongside other Geo Claymore users, such as Arataki Itto and Noelle. With maximum ascension, players can get 674 ATK and a 22.1% Crit Rate.
The following is the weapon's passive at Refinement level 1:
Many Oaths of Dawn and Dusk: Increases ATK by 20%. When characters in your party obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.The ATK stat from the passive perk increases by 5% with each Refinement and by 4.5% in Skill DMG.
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