Kylie Jenner and Anastasia Karanikolaou (Stassie Baby) have been twinning since they were pre-teens and they are keeping the tradition going with a series of photos that Kylie shared on Instagram. With 187.8 million Instagram followers, Kylie Jenner has one of the most popular accounts on social media. When she shared her recent photos, not only did they go virl — they sparked conversation. Kylie and Stassie posed while wearing Skims Power Mesh Catsuit along with the Skims Power Mesh Waist Trainer. Both wore the label’s light colors (sienna and clay) and posed for a series of photos where they showed off their curves and flaunted their figures.
While many people praised their look, including big sister Kim Kardashian who is Skims founder and CEO, some felt that the photos were false advertising. As the women wore waist trainers, many people sounded off in the comment section that Kylie and Stassie didn’t get their shapes from waist trainers but alleged that they had cosmetic procedures to give them hourglass figures, but rather they are the product of multiple cosmetic procedures.
Kylie and Stassie posed facing the camera with long brown hair flowing past their waists. The photo went viral and has more than 6.7 million likes.
Kylie shared several more photos of the two women showing off their tiny waists in the Skims waist trainers and mesh catsuits. She stated the following.
“fun fact: we’ve been twinning since we were in middle school. we used to never leave the house unless we had a matching outfit on 🤣😍… so get ready for a lifetime of more twin pics.”
The Instagram account IGFamous Bodies shared this caption along with a before and after photo.
The longer you’re friends, the more you look like each other… if you have the same surgeon and injector of course. #KylieJenner #Stassiebaby
One person left the following comment.
“I know they not selling waist trainers and claiming that it helped them right?”
Another person remarked that Stassie was turning into Jordyn Woods.
“I swear Stassie is morphing into Jordyn, like a mixed-race Jordyn, that nose and lips and hips.”
What do you think about Kylie Jenner’s and Anastasia Karanikolaou’s photos? Do you think they are presenting a false image by wearing waist trainers?
Charisse Van Horn is a freelance writer from Tampa Bay. She enjoys writing about celebrities, entertainment, and fashion. Any reproduction of this article outside of Celebrity Insider will be met with legal action by the writer.