The Signal 50 in Warzone 2 is a lethal Sniper Rifle that has become popular. This weapon is an ideal choice owing to its quick fire rate. Despite recent upgrades and nerfs, this sniper is still unquestionably formidable throughout the game's extensive arsenal. With its rapid-fire rate and moderate recoil, it is a forgiving rifle, making it an excellent choice for rookies.
The Signal 50 has surpassed the FJX Imperium and MCPR-300 in popularity, and it's currently the most popular sniper in Warzone 2. It excels at effectively taking out adversaries from afar, especially in the hands of a competent sniper, with a 5.2% pick rate. So, if you're searching for raw firepower in a bolt-action sniper, this rifle is your solution.
This article details the recommended loadout by Warzone 2 expert JGOD, who claims this build is excellent for wiping out squads on the battlefield.
Best Signal 50 loadout setup in Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded
The sniper's base stats already make it highly mobile. This guide, suggested by JGOD, focuses on increasing bullet velocity, range, and accuracy, letting you dominate at mid-range in Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded.
Recommended loadout
- Muzzle: Nilsound 90 Silencer
- Barrel: 21.5" Fluted Fifty
- Optic: Forge Tac Delta 4
- Ammunition: .50 Cal High Velocity
- Rear Grip: SA Finesse Grip
The Nilsound 90 Silencer suppresses your shots while increasing bullet velocity for a little sacrifice in targeting stability. The 21.5" Fluted Fifty barrel boosts aim-down-sight (ADS) speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control. The SA Finesse Grip rear grip boosts sprint to fire and ADS speed.
The .50 Cal High-Velocity Ammunition increases the Signal 50's bullet velocity by 44%, enabling more accurate long-range shots. A sniper's optic is crucial, which is why JGOD chose the Forge Tac Delta 4. This scope has a 5.5x magnification, a rapid ADS speed, and an aim-walking movement.
Best class setup for Signal 50 in Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded
Perk Package
- Base Perk 1: Overkill
- Base Perk 2: Strong Arm
- Bonus Perk: Spotter
- Ultimate Perk: Survivor
- Lethal: Grenade
- Tactical Equipment: Stun Grenade
While the Recon perk package may be popular for sniper builds, the Weapon Specialist package is recommended to take advantage of Overkill right away. To mitigate the disadvantages of running a sniper in close-quarters combat, using the ever-dominant Fennec 45 as your secondary primary weapon is suggested.
Strong Arm also allows you to be more precise with your throwables and toss them further. Furthermore, Spotter ensures you're never caught off guard by opposing equipment, kill streaks, or field upgrades.
Finally, for the Ultimate Perk, Weapon Specialist employs Survivor, which pings any foes who knock you out and allows allies to recover you faster.
Add Semtex for clearing opponents out of the shelter and Flash Grenades for clearing enclosed spaces.
Call of Duty Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded is live and available on Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.
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