Is WWE 2K23 on Nintendo Switch?

WWE 2K23 is out right now via early access for PCs and consoles. It is the latest installment in 2K's long-running video game rendition of the iconic wrestling brand. As such, it offers fans the most feature-rich and comprehensive WWE experience. The series has also made past appearances across Nintendo consoles. This goes back to

WWE 2K23 is out right now via early access for PCs and consoles. It is the latest installment in 2K's long-running video game rendition of the iconic wrestling brand. As such, it offers fans the most feature-rich and comprehensive WWE experience. The series has also made past appearances across Nintendo consoles. This goes back to the days of the Nintendo 64 home console.

As for modern trends, the Nintendo Switch hybrid system is one of the most popular gaming platforms. That said, it would be reasonable to assume publisher 2K would look to expand to a new playerbase.

Is WWE 2K23 available on Nintendo Switch?

Disappointingly, the answer is no. WWE 2K23 is only available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S platforms. As to why this is the case, there is no official statement from the publisher. The most probable answer is technical constraints. 2K23 is built upon the brand-new engine designed for 2K22. It is unclear if the game will be scalable to Nintendo's platform.

The series has not appeared on the Nintendo Switch since WWE 2K18 in 2017. Developed by Yuke's, the Nintendo rendition was universally panned for technical issues, from abysmal performance to many bugs. Throw in that 2K has shut down online play for the game, and there are zero reasons for players to check it out on Nintendo's hybrid console.

That is unless 2K aims to design future installments, such as the inevitable WWE 2K24 for the rumored Nintendo Switch 2 platform. In such a scenario, the superior technical grunt of the hardware should make ports of more technically demanding games viable.

What other wrestling games are available on the Nintendo Switch?

All things considered, the spin-off entry, WWE 2K Battlegrounds, from Saber Interactive is the only primary viable option for Nintendo players. Developed by one of the most experienced Nintendo Switch developers, Battlegrounds offers a more simplistic but fun-enough rendition of the arcade-like wrestling formula. The game has been heavily criticized for its microtransactions that impede gameplay progression, which may turn off gamers.

Otherwise, the game does boast an attractive visual style reminiscent of comics in 3D. Moves and attacks are flashy, with exaggerated takedowns against other players or AI. Sure, it does not compare to the in-depth gameplay of other fighting games on the platform, but sometimes players may desire simple pick-up-and-play offerings.

Then there are other indie titles, including ports of smartphone titles such as Wrestling Empire. The popular 3D wrestling game was a hit in the mobile space and made its way to the Nintendo platform a while back. Fans of 2D wrestling games have their tastes catered to in the form of Retromania Wrestling. As an homage to the WWF games of the glory days, it offers challenging gameplay with nostalgic pixel-art visuals. There is also a story mode easing players into the combat essentials.

WWE 2K23 officially launches on March 17, 2023.

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