Is Veronika Rajek married? All you need to know about the model's admiration of Tom Brady

Veronika Rajek is a Slovakian model and a social media influencer. She is one of the most popular influences in Slovakia, and over the years, has built up a massive following on all social media platforms. Rajek won the Miss Slovakia beauty pageant in 2016.

Veronika Rajek is a Slovakian model and a social media influencer. She is one of the most popular influences in Slovakia, and over the years, has built up a massive following on all social media platforms. Rajek won the Miss Slovakia beauty pageant in 2016.

Veronika Rajek is a big deal in her home country, and American audiences have been introduced to her lately, thanks to her admiration for Tom Brady. Rajek mentioned her love for Brady, which, following Brady's divorce from Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen, became a big story. Here's what Rajek posted on Instagram:

"Verified I saw the LEGEND, and if somebody asks me again if I love Brady, yes I love him and show me, somebody who doesn't."

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Veronika Rajek is married to Viktor Rajek and happily so. Being a fan of the superstar quarterback is not unusual and he has them across the globe.

Who is Veronika Rajek's husband?

Viktor Rajek is pretty famous in Slovakia and he married Veronika on 13 June 2019 at a lush Slovakian location in the presence of family and friends. Their marriage is going strong and both partners are successful in their own right.

What happened to Tom Brady's marriage?

Tom Brady isn't having the best of 2022's. Brady and his wife of over a decade, Gisele Bundchen, finalized their divorce in October. It ended one of the most admired relationships in the world, not just in America.

It is speculated that the marriage crumbled due to Brady's desire to unretire and head back to the NFL for yet another season. This, reportedly, was a point of conflict in their marriage. As neither party has come forward to go into detail on the subject, there are only rumors and second-hand sources to speculate over. The two seem amicable, live close by to each other and are co-parenting their children going forward.

How is Tom Brady performing this season?

Tom Brady is having a poor season due to his extra high standards and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have failed to live up to expectations.

Brady has recorded 3,585 passing yards, 17 touchdowns, and five interceptions this season. The Buccaneers stand at 6-7 in the NFC South and are in danger of losing their lead in the division. The good news for them, however, is that they play the Carolina Panthers and the Atlanta Falcons before the season ends. Therefore, their destiny is very much in their own hands.

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