American dairy brand Ben & Jerry's has joined the list of companies that have recalled their products due to a possible health hazard their product may pose. This time, Ben & Jerry's has recalled one of their most famous ice-cream flavors, Ben & Jerry's Moo-phoria™ Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Ice Cream, due to a packaging error.
The recalled ice cream was sold at Sainsbury's, the second-largest chain of supermarkets in the UK, and the recall only affects consumers in England, Scotland and Wales. The recall was initiated when the ice cream brand learned that Ben & Jerry's Moo-phoria Peanut Butter Cookie Dough ice cream has the incorrect lid of Ben & Jerry's Salted Caramel Brownie Ice Cream. This packaging error meant that consumers were unaware at the time of purchase that the product contained peanuts, which can be a severe health hazard for anyone suffering from peanut allergies.
Recalled Ben & Jerry's product eligible for full refund
The affected batch of ice cream is the 435ml size tubs marked with the L1278 batch code, dated best before April 2023. The brand's spokesperson said in a statement:
"The safety of our fans that buy and enjoy our products is always our number one priority, which is why we are taking the voluntary precaution of recalling this one batch as it could pose a safety risk to those people with a peanut allergy... we apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your co-operation."They have also issued a point-in-sales notice in which they have mentioned why the product has been recalled and the steps to follow if you have already purchased it. People with peanut allergies should not consume the product and must return it to the store they bought it from, to be eligible for a full refund.
The UK Government's Food Hygiene Agency said:
“Ben & Jerry’s is recalling the product from customers and has been advised to contact the relevant allergy support organisations, which will tell their members about the recall.Signs and symptoms of peanut allergies explored as Ben & Jerry's product recalled
According to the Mayo Clinic, exposure and consumption of peanuts can be life-threatening for those who suffer from peanut allergies. Symptoms and signs can surface within minutes, which includes
Peanut allergy is also a leading cause of anaphylaxis, a severe condition where blood pressure suddenly drops, and airways tighten, causing shortness of breath.
Fans slam the company online, referencing their involvement in politics
The product recall incited fans to ridicule the famous company on social media platforms. This is not the first time the brand has been engulfed in controversy, as fans criticized them when they entered the foray of left-wing politics, making bold statements about boycotting parts of Israel.
Twitterati quickly linked their political stance to their recent ice cream recall.
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