How to get Forzathon Shop points in Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 has a few ways for players to purchase in-game items, with one of them being the Forzathon Shop. Aside from purchasing vehicles from the Autoshow section, certain cars, clothing, emotes, and more can only be obtained from the Forza Horizon 5 Forzathon Shop.

Forza Horizon 5 has a few ways for players to purchase in-game items, with one of them being the Forzathon Shop.

Aside from purchasing vehicles from the Autoshow section, certain cars, clothing, emotes, and more can only be obtained from the Forza Horizon 5 Forzathon Shop.

The Forzathon Shop acts like any other shop, with a rotating list of items available for sale. To get your hands on any of these items, you will require Forzathon Shop points. These can be earned by completing challenges, as well as in the Horizon Arcade.

Different ways to earn Forzathon Shop points in Forza Horizon 5

Horizon Arcade

The Horizon Arcade feature in Forza Horizon 5 is a re-imagined Forzathon Live from the previous entry in the series. You can earn Forzathon Shop points by participating in Horizon Arcade.

Anna may show you the route if there are active events in your vicinity, or you can simply look on the map to find a Horizon Arcade event. The icon on your map will be a pink circle with the Horizon Arcade logo inside of it.

You will be placed in a group and the challenge could be any number of things. Completing a Horizon Arcade event in Forza Horizon 5 will grant you Forzathon Shop points.


Weekly and daily challenges can also provide Forzathon Shop points in Forza Horizon 5. Races, PR stunt events, and Forzathon Daily and Weekly challenges are constantly being added to the game.

Keep an eye out for these challenges and complete them as quickly as you notice them pop up. Once you've completed them, you'll get points for the Weekly and Monthly Playlists, along with points for the Forzathon Shop.

What can you buy in the Forzathon Shop?

After you've gathered enough points, you can head to the Forzathon Shop in Forza Horizon 5 and see all of the items available for purchase. Again, it's a rotating shop like many other games.

You'll find deals on some of the coolest cars, clothing items for your character to wear, Wheelspins, car horns, vehicle cosmetics, and character emotes to add to your Forza Horizon 5 experience.

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