How to complete, expected costs, and more

The Team of the Year promo in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has provided fans with a host of new special cards to try out in-game, with Rafael Borre being the latest inclusion. The Colombian striker has earned a Moments card that can be obtained by completing an SBC, and fans will be eager to learn

The Team of the Year promo in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has provided fans with a host of new special cards to try out in-game, with Rafael Borre being the latest inclusion. The Colombian striker has earned a Moments card that can be obtained by completing an SBC, and fans will be eager to learn whether this latest variant is worth unlocking or not.

With EA Sports releasing a plethora of SBCs, objectives and similar content in FIFA 23, fans have plenty to grind for in Ultimate Team. The Borre SBC is the latest special card to be released in the FUT menu, allowing players to unlock the Bundesliga striker in exchange for their club assets.

Rafael Borre has received a special Moments SBC card in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

Rafael Borre has been amongst the most consistent performers for Eintracht Frankfurt, and has earned a special card in Ultimate Team to commemorate his efforts in the German side's Europa League triumph last season. The Colombian marksman scored the decisive penalty in the final against Rangers FC, and despite having a slow start to the current season, he has been a mainstay on their roster.

What does the special card look like in FIFA 23?

Borre has received a massive boost to his overall rating and attributes with his Moments version. His base card is a rare gold version with a rating of 78, and his latest variant has received an overall rating of 88 with the following attributes in the six key aspects:

  • Pace: 87
  • Dribbling: 89
  • Shooting: 87
  • Defending: 60
  • Passing: 84
  • Physicality: 86

Despite possessing impressive stats and a four-star weak foot, he only has three-star skill moves in-game, which can be detrimental for attackers in the current meta of FIFA 23.

How to complete the SBC?

The SBC consists of two segments in-game, each with their own stipulations and pack rewards. These are the requirements specified in the individual segments:


  • Players from Colombia: Minimum one in your starting 11
  • Team overall rating: Minimum 82


  • Players from Bundesliga: Minimum one in your starting 11
  • Team overall rating: Minimum 84

The overall expected cost of the SBC is around 44,000 FUT coins, which is driven primarily by the inflated price of 84-rated cards in the FIFA 23 transfer market.

Is it worth completing the Rafael Borre SBC in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

With the full Team of the Year roster being available in packs, gamers have been busy opening a lot of packs to try and obtain one of these elusive TOTY items, leading to a surplus of SBC fodder in their clubs. SBCs like the latest Moments Rafael Borre, as well as Icon SBCs, provide an outlet for high-rated duplicates, and gamers can obtain these cards without basically any coin investment.

For fans using Bundesliga squads in Ultimate Team, the card can also be a viable attacking option. While he is not perfectly suited to the meta of the game, he is definitely a fun card worth trying out, especially due to the low cost of completion.

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