Johanna Leia has garnered mass attention since relationship rumors with Drake came to light. The online community speculated about an ongoing romance after the Canadian rapper was spotted at Johanna Leia’s son, Amari Bailey’s basketball match last month.
The rumors further intensified after the pair were photographed having a private dinner date at Dodgers Stadium. Drake and Johanna Leia’s date took the internet by storm, driving curious fans to read up on Drake's rumored girlfriend.
The online community is consistently flocking to Johanna Leia’s Instagram to learn more about the model’s life and activities. Recently, fans spotted that the 40-year-old had featured Drake’s “Laugh Now Cry Later” song in one of her Instagram stories.
Unfortunately, Johanna Leia is also being subjected to constant body-shaming online. Some people even claimed that the model had gone under the knife without having any actual evidence to prove their theory.
Also Read: What is Johanna Leia's nationality? All about Drake's rumored girlfriend's ethnic background
The internet is divided over body-shaming Johanna Leia and plastic surgery speculations
Johanna Leia has been all over social media after she sparked dating rumors with rapper Drake. The model and entrepreneur is the mother of 17-year-old star basketball player Amari Bailey, who she shares with former-partner Aaron Bailey.
Amid speculation about a budding romance with the musician, Johanna Leia has fallen victim to vehement online scrutiny. In a recent turn of events, the model has been body-shamed online, with several social media users mocking her physical appearance.
With a tendency to speculate without proof, the online community has even claimed that the “Bringing up Ballers” star has undergone plastic surgery to achieve her desired look.
On the contrary, Johanna Leia’s treatment on social media did not sit well with a certain group of people. Some users took to Twitter to call out individuals body-shaming the model.
Johanna Leia and Drake have neither confirmed nor denied the relationship rumors. Several reports suggested that the rapper has bonded well with the influencer and her son. He is also reportedly mentoring Amari Bailey about fame and giving him advice on life.
As the internet continues to be divided on Johanna Leia, it remains to be seen if she will discuss the ongoing issues or address the dating rumors in the days to come.
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