Danish tourist Bali video sparks outrage online

An unidentified Danish tourist has been detained by law enforcement after exposing herself on a motorbike in Bali. Recently, a video began circulating online that showed the woman sitting on a scooter and showing her genitals to residents. She was accompanied by a male friend who simply laughed at the incident. Netizens have since taken

An unidentified Danish tourist has been detained by law enforcement after exposing herself on a motorbike in Bali. Recently, a video began circulating online that showed the woman sitting on a scooter and showing her genitals to residents. She was accompanied by a male friend who simply laughed at the incident. Netizens have since taken to the internet to express outrage over the occurrence.

Netizen responds to incident (Image via niluhdjelantik/Instagram)

The viral video was uploaded online by Indonesian designer Ni Luh Djelantik on Monday. In the clip shared across social media platforms, the woman can be seen exposing herself to the camera while witnesses act quickly and push her leg down to cover her modesty.

The incident reportedly took place in southern Bali’s popular tourist hotspot, Seminyak.

Speaking about the incident Djelantik said on Instagram:

“The people of Bali have the right to choose the type of tourists who enjoy their homeland. The quality of the quality. Mantra to be memorized, lived and implemented by all policyholders. Show us that we will do whatever it takes to protect the dignity and pride of our nation.”

In the post, the influencer also called for harder sanctions to be taken against misbehaving tourists.

Netizens respond to the viral Bali video

Internet users blasted the woman relentlessly. Many expressed disappointment in her behaviour and noted that tourists who visit the popular tourist destination should be well aware of the province’s historical culture, religion and etiquette. A few reactions read:

Netizens react to the Danish woman's antics (Image via niluhdjelantik/Instagram)
Netizens react to the Danish woman's antics (Image via niluhdjelantik/Instagram)
Netizens react to the Danish woman's antics (Image via niluhdjelantik/Instagram)

The Danish woman who exposed herself has since been detained

News outlets went on to reveal that the Danish woman and her male 49-year-old German friend who accompanied her when the incident occurred were detained in a Kula, Badung hotel, just 15 minutes away from Seminyak.

The head of the immigration office said in a statement to Indonesian news publication Socialexpat:

“They are being held in custody at the Nguarh Rai Immigration Office after being apprehended and detained. We will therefore conduct more investigations.”

Law enforcement revealed that the suspect violated the anti-p*rnography law that was passed in 2008. Police spokesperson Stefanus Satake Bayu also revealed in a press statement that those who expose themselves in public could face a maximum of 10 years in prison and/or a fine of $334,000.

The incident comers after another female Bali tourist went viral for unruly behaviour. The woman stripped naked and took to the stage where a sacred Balinese dance performance was taking place. The suspect was arrested following her actions.

Local council chief Wayan Widana then revealed in a press statement that the woman was suffering from mental health issues and was “brought to the Bangli Mental Institution.”

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