Scoring is definitely the premium skill an NBA basketball player can have. Even if a great scorer struggles on defense, teams will try to hide him on the defensive end to allow him to flourish on the offensive end, that's how important the offense is. The greatest scorers in NBA history have earned unique places among the league's history books, and rightfully so.
In today's NBA, there are several players who are all-time great scorers, like LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, James Harden, Kawhi Leonard, and Giannis Antetokounmpo. While all can do it their own way, the work is the same at the end: score buckets.
Five longest streaks of games with at least 20 points scored by a player in NBA history
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In this article, we will give you the five longest streaks of consecutive games with at least 20 points scored by a single player.
Without further ado, let us start
#5 Kevin Durant - 72 games
Kevin Durant has won the NBA scoring title four times throughout his NBA career and is definitely one of the greatest scorers ever, perhaps the most skilled given his size and efficiency.
Durant has the fifth-best career average of points per game in NBA history, at 27.02. Moreover, his four scoring titles are tied for third-most in NBA history with George Gervin and Allen Iverson.
Durant is tied for the fourth-largest streak of consecutive games with at least 20 points scored, with 72 between November 23rd, 2015 and November 9th, 2016.
#4 Michael Jordan - 72 games
The greatest player in NBA history according to a massive crowd of fans and analysts, Michael Jordan is arguably the greatest scorer the league has ever seen too.
Along with his 10 NBA scoring titles and 32,292 career points, Jordan also had a streak of 72 consecutive games scoring 20 points or more. That stretch happened between December 29th, 1987 and December 6th, 1988.
It also occurred during his streak of 866 consecutive games with at least 10 points per night.
The five-time MVP, six-time champion and six-time Finals MVP award winner averaged 30.1 points per game in hsi regular-season career, the highest in the history of the league.
Also read: All about Michael Jordan’s wife, Yvette Prieto?
#3 Oscar Robertson - 79 games
Oscar Robertson is often remembered as the first NBA player to average a triple-double in an entire season. His all-around game made him an NBA legend, but Robertson was a great scorer too.
Throughout his 14-year career, the legendary point guard averaged 25.7 points per game with a 48.5% field-goal efficiency. He won one scoring championship in his career, while also leading the NBA in assists six times (third-most in league history).
Moreover, he had the third-largest streak of games with at least 20 points, with 79 consecutive games between October 22nd, 1963, and October 20th, 1964.
#2 Wilt Chamberlain - 92 games
Perhaps the most unbelievable scoring machine ever seen in the NBA during his prime, Wilt Chamberlain posted some of the most absurd scoring records in league history.
Chamberlain had the second-highest career average of points per game in NBA history, at 30.1, slightly behind Michael Jordan.
He also owns the record for the highest average of points per game in a single NBA season, with a crazy 50.4 in the 1961-62 campaign.
Chamberlain also holds the two largest streaks of consecutive games with at least 20 points. From February 26th, 1963 to March 18th, 1964, Chamberlain had 92 consecutive games with at least 20 points each night.
#1 Wilt Chamberlain - 126 games
The seven-time NBA scoring champion, Chamberlain, was simply a scoring machine during his days in the league, especially early in his career.
Not only did he win the MVP award as a rookie (the first of two players to ever do it), but Chamberlain also established some unbreakable records. Most of his records are well-known, such as 100-point game in 1962 or a 55-rebound night.
However, there are other marks that do not look beatable for the foreseeable future, and one of those is his streak of 126 consecutive games with at least 20 points.
That streak from the four-time MVP happened between October 19th, 1961 and January 19th, 1963, while he was playing for the Philadelphia/San Francisco Warriors.
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